
Showing posts from May, 2021

About Mass Communication & Journalism

 About Mass Communication & Journalism Mass communication is the study of spreading information to a large audience through the various means of communication. Journalism is the activity of writing about recent developments for newspapers, magazines etc. It has enveloped reporting done through radio and television. We all are connected through a web of different means of communication. Whether it’s the latest scores of Cricket matches or news on natural calamities, we get to know about them, thanks to the technology and the mass media. Mass communication is nothing but dispersing information to a huge number of people, i.e., the whole country or the world.   It is said that journalism is the first draft of history. If mass communication is the activity of dispersing news, journalism is concerned with collection and dissemination of news through the print media as well as the electronic media. This involves various areas of works like reporting, writing, editing, photographing, broa